
Issue 3/1997

Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität", issue 3/1997, as a PDF download with the following table of contents:


Increasing the value of the company as a measure of entrepreneurial activity

Shareholder value: an end to mass psychosis?

Improve service quality - instead of laying off staff!

Potential for improvement

Topic of the month

Quality management systems in the insurance industry bring double benefits
Oscar Schönbächler, Matthias Kuss, Roland Betschart

The benefits of environmental management systems from the bank's point of view
Markus Nöthiger, Olivier Jaeggi

self assessment

Analysis of the initial state of the QM system
Franziska Blindow-Pretti, Urs Füglistaller




SAQ training and further education


Partner for your quality


Strategy & Organization

The importance of legal compliance in environmental management systems
Hans U. Liniger

Certification of safety management systems

Total Quality Management in a property management company
Andrew Pira

Core processes

Customer-oriented process organization and flexible modular product standardization, Part 2
Werner Schölling

Quality system according to ISO 9001 - Experiences from a network model
Jürg Häusler


P.U.M.A.S. - A Five-Point Program for Moderation
Constantine Peer

Employee leadership and quality management, 2nd part
Walter Wintersteiger

Category: Single issues

CHF 14.30