Issue Special/1997

Receive the German-language trade journal "MQ Management & Qualität" in the Special/1997 issue as a PDF download with the following table of contents:

The 3-Day Growth Platform

1st European Business & Quality Dialogue Forum, 4-6 June 1997, St.Callen.

How is your business developing?

The "Profitable growth through quality" report on page 2 shows how this can be achieved.

Experts on the subject of "Quality

Science and Business in Dialogue

Dieter Hohl and Christian Schlumpf:
Profitable growth through quality

June 4-6, 1997:
1st European Dialogue Forum on Economy and Quality

Theses - Opinions Statements

Prof. Dr. H.D. Seghezzi and Stephan Dahlem:
Implementing quality management -
Research findings from the Competence Center "Quality Management" at the University of St.Gallen

Prof. Dr. G. Schuh and Jochen Strack:
The Virtual Factory - New Flexibility for Dynamic Markets

Prof. Dr. M. Bruhn:
Economic efficiency of quality management

Prof. Dr. Th. DyUick:
Learning to exploit the benefits of environmental management systems

The Virtual Factory at the 1st European Dialogue Forum Economy and Quality

Category: Single issues

CHF 14.30